THM Certified Coach (1500)

Name Tracie Smith
Business Tracie Lyn Coaching
Address Bluffton, IN
United States (US)
Email [email protected]
Tracie Smith
Tracie Lyn Coaching
Bluffton, IN
United States (US)
[email protected]


HI!! I'm so happy you stopped by!

What a joy it is for me to be able to coach others through THM. With today's technology, though I am in Indiana, I can coach anyone from anywhere by using video calling, email, fb messenger etc. Whatever we use, you'll get my undivided attention as if you are sitting right across from me.

My ideal client is one that is motivated for change using THM as a new way to fuel their body. They are ready to learn new things, be kind to themselves, laugh at mistakes and embrace something different than what they are doing now...and have FUN in the process. If that sounds like you...then I'm your gal!!

Everyone is in a different place on their THM journey. Whether you are a beginner just looking into THM or a seasoned follower, a coaching plan can be customized and designed just for you. I'm ready to come alongside of you and help you reach your THM goals.

Though, I'd not say I'm an expert or have expertise on losing weight as an "older" gal or one struggling with Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism, I have lost close to 45#'s and still counting, starting in my late 50's with those health concerns. I can certainly share with you what I've done. I've tried many a diet over the years, and THM was the plan that actually worked for me! It's brilliant!!

You can find me on FB @ Tracie Lyn's Trim! Join the fun!!

I look forward to hearing from you!