THM Certified Coach (3880)

Name Michelle Murrane
Business Choose To Be Well With Michelle
Address Whittier, CA
United States (US)
Email [email protected]
Michelle Murrane
Choose To Be Well With Michelle
Whittier, CA
United States (US)
[email protected]


Hi! I am a retired homeschool mom and have been married to my high school sweetheart for over 30 years. I love hiking, running, reading, cooking and coffee!
I understand what it is like to be overweight and the feeling of being stuck and hopeless. In 2014 I was at my biggest weight ever, after I had tried many different diets my entire adult life. On those other diets I lost a little bit of weight, but then I would always put the weight back on plus more. I was at a point in my life where I felt like I would never be at a normal weight. But then I discovered THM, and it all made so much sense to me, and I knew it would be a plan that I could do for life. I slowly made changes, and in October of 2014 I fully committed to following the plan 100%. I proceeded to lose 35 pounds within a few months and then lost another 15 over the next several months. After 1 year of THM I had lost 50 pounds! I was so excited! I had discovered a plan that was healthy and sustainable for life! Not only did I lose 50 pounds, but I felt so much better and had so much more energy. I continued to maintain my 50 pound loss for a few years, but 2018 and 2019 were very stressful years as my mother-in-law and my mother both were diagnosed with cancer, my mother-in-law moved in with us and we were taking care of her and trying to repair her house at the same time. I mostly stayed on plan during that time, but I did a lot of stress eating and I ended up gaining 20 pounds. 2020 was the year I focused on trying to lose the extra weight I put on, but I found that it was harder to lose weight as a 52 year old pre-menopausal woman. I learned about how hormones contribute to weight gain and how to tweak my diet in order to start losing weight again and I lost those extra 20 pounds and am back to my original 50 pound loss.
Now I am a THM lifestyle coach and I am looking forward to helping you attain your health goals as well! I will be your biggest cheerleader and encourager through your weight loss journey.
At this time I am only taking one-on-one clients. Please email me for inquiries and pricing.
I hope you will Choose to be well with Coach Michelle!