THM Certified Coach (3500)

Name Lynnette McKinley
Business Finding Food Freedom
Address Highland, MI
United States (US)
Phone 903-240-2092
Email [email protected]
Lynnette McKinley
Finding Food Freedom
Highland, MI
United States (US)
[email protected]


I've been a dedicated Trim Healthy Mama for over eight years! My journey started after realizing that the scale was slowly moving in the wrong direction in my mid-40's and before I knew it I was the heaviest I had been without being pregnant! I started another program, as well as exercising, but after some success hit a plateau. My sisters introduced me to THM with the original book as a Christmas gift - which I didn't touch for a couple of months. Finally, after picking up the book and digging in, I realized I only had a few things to "tweak" and the rest of the weight just came off!

I easily maintained my goal weight for five years and then began a new season of life - menopause! Wow. Weight started creeping back on even though my eating habits had not changed. I had to learn how to adjust THM for this new season. It speaks to the greatness of this plan that it is flexible enough to still be on plan, even though you do it differently (way more Es, far less heavy S meals).

I'm a foodie! I love food! My favorite things about THM is the ability to be so passionate about what you CAN have instead of focusing on what you can't.

After what started as unofficial coaching, cooking classes in my home, and leading small groups on the Trim Healthy Mama program I decided to make it official and became certified with THM. This is how I discovered my passion to help others find food freedom.

Now I am in my mid 50's - and have gone through some hormonal changes and health challenges. Things change...we change...and through it all, I've come to believe that the THM lifestyle is a great way to stay healthy, remain passionate about food, and enjoy the benefits that finding food freedom provides!

I offer personal and small group coaching in person and via ZOOM. I'm a natural encourager, so if you need someone to believe in you and that you can succeed with the THM lifestyle until you can believe it for yourself - I'm your coach. (Phil 4:13)