THM Certified Coach (4700)

Name Lori Dantzler
Business Your Road to Slim Healthy Living with Coach Lori
Address Willis, TX
United States (US)
Phone 832-444-2656
Email [email protected]
Lori Dantzler
Your Road to Slim Healthy Living with Coach Lori
Willis, TX
United States (US)
[email protected]


Regardless of your “season” of life I am here to help you navigate your path to a trimmer, healthier you.

I began following the Trim Healthy Mama plan in February of 2016. After letting go of approximately 50 pounds I have maintained my weight thanks to the wonderful food freedom of the THM lifestyle. I am 58 years old and I can honestly say I have beaten my sugar addiction and I feel better than I have in years.

If I have to pick a specialty I would have to say I am probably leaning toward mature women moving into the “Queen” season of their lives. Whether you have struggled with weight from childhood, can’t shake that post baby weight (even if it’s been decades) or were one of the fortunate ones that maintained a healthy weight your entire life and now find yourself battling “the bulge” while eating the same foods you’ve always enjoyed, I think I can help you adapt to a slimming healthy lifestyle through Trim Healthy Mama.

If you are ready to begin your road to a trim healthy life but are not sure where to start or are looking for additional support and coaching let’s get together and chat. I would like to help you realize your fitness goals.