THM Certified Coach (1820)

Name Lisa D'Orazio
Business Gentle Health
Address Rochester, NY
United States (US)
Email [email protected]
Lisa D'Orazio
Gentle Health
Rochester, NY
United States (US)
[email protected]


I offer one-on-one coaching, single coaching calls, and occasional group coaching. I'd love to set up a free initial call to get acquainted, assess your needs, and determine if we're a great fit to work toward your goals together.

About me: In 2015, I was searching make myself feel better. I battled my weight for years before this with varying levels of success, but something was shifting in me (later that year, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, but did not know it at that time) and I felt driven to address it. My mother followed a low carb diet, so I was looking online for recipes to jump in on that, and started seeing references to THM on some. That led me to buy the giant original book, which began this journey.

It’s a big adjustment. THM certainly isn’t the only plan that emphasizes this as a lifestyle, not a temporary “diet”. Cutting sugar and white flour are huge, given society’s addiction to these ingredients. However, they are so inflammatory that even that initial step, before jumping into the plan, will make you feel better if you stick to it.

My reflux issues disappeared with fuel separation - even though my gall bladder was removed in 2008, the S meals were just fine without the presence of E fuels. My eczema mostly disappeared. I slept better.

My diagnosis and research into plans for MS led to further reductions for me. This is completely doable with this lifestyle. My weight loss journey is not over. My focus is on health - reducing inflammation as much as possible helps to manage my conditions in addition to the medications I take - but I have maintained a 40 pound weight loss on THM and continue to lose.

Whether you have medical conditions motivating you to find a healthier lifestyle, or if you are just looking to lose weight, I would love to teach you how I THM and find how it will work best for you. I am mostly dairy and gluten free, and keep things SUPER simple with as little preparation as possible.

I am passionate about helping others feel better - my biggest benefit from THM - and learn to listen to their bodies on what they need to thrive. I have a background in education, so expect gentle encouragement and silly excitement at times about your results!