THM Certified Coach (7400)

Name Kathy Murphy Caruso
Business Kitty Kat's Korner
Address Troy, NY
United States (US)
Phone 518-495-2804
Email [email protected]
Kathy Murphy Caruso
Kitty Kat's Korner
Troy, NY
United States (US)
[email protected]


At my highest weight I was over 600 pounds. I had weight loss surgery (RNY Gastric Bypass) in 2008. I lost a considerable amount of weight (around 300lbs), and then stalled. I found Trim Healthy in 2014, and I have never turned back. I am NOT at my goal/desired weight yet, BUT I am the healthiest I have ever been as an adult. I have struggled with slow losing (or no losing) so I understand the frustration when the process is LONG or seems like it's not moving at all. We can get past this together. I have dealt with gut issues, especially digestion issues, gerd, kidney stones, ulcers and recently diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. With the grace of God and eating the Trim Healthy way many of these have been resolved and I am staying the course and believing the others will also be overcome.

A little personal information about me. I was married to the man God intended for me on my 60th birthday (2nd husband, my 1st left me after 39 years). He has a teenage son with Autism. I am a mother of two grown sons, and a daughter living in heaven since birth. Grief over losing my daughter sent me spiraling and was the one of the main reasons I gained so much more weight, Healing takes time. My first grandson was born in 2004 and I raised him from birth. He was my WHY, he began the healing of my grief, and reminded me that life was worth living. I went to school and received a master's degree in social work (LMSW) when I was 50 years old and began to change my life. I currently work full time for the NYS Civil Service Dept and I also counsel families and children part time. I have been a home health aide since I was 18 years old caring for and helping families dealing with Alzheimer's. I love crafts, cooking, shopping, reading, music, my family, my church, and My LORD.

It is my passion to help others, to help YOU, find their healthy selves again. I have tried many diets, some worked for a while, but Trim Healthy is not a diet, it's a lifestyle. It's the only way I can ever imagine eating for the rest of my life. I want to help you find that confidence in yourself and share the joy as you bloom into your best you.

If you would like to work with me send me an email and let's get to know each other.
I can't wait to get to know you too.

Some of the things I can help you with include but are not limited to:

Healthy Eating
Weight Loss
Weight Loss Surgery
Gut Health
Slow Losers
Lots to Lose