THM Certified Coach (4350)

Name Heather Small
Business Abundant Health Coaching
Address Trussville, AL
United States (US)
Phone 2056171306
Email [email protected]
Heather Small
Abundant Health Coaching
Trussville, AL
United States (US)
[email protected]


Trim Healthy Mama has transformed my life! I have been doing this plan for over 10 years now. I have nursed 4 babies, and had 3 pregnancies while doing THM. I have been able to get back to my goal size fairly quickly after each of my THM pregnancies, and best of all been able to conceive as an older mama and carry my thm babies to term, after having several miscarriages and a very complicated pregnancy that resulted in a very sick premie, previous to my thm journey. I’m now a Mama of 9, 47 years old, and the healthiest & strongest I’ve ever been. I have a history of eating disorders and THM has helped me find Food Freedom, and change my focus from skinny to strong! 💪 THM has also helped me see my worth in Christ! 💖 We are fearfully and wonderfully made! Jesus came to give us abundant life, and I believe part of that abundant life He came to give us is abundant health! I have 3 daughters who have struggled with PCOS, and also a child with many food sensitivities. I’ve learned so much about how we can heal by eating the right foods. Foods that nourish and build up our bodies, versus foods that tear down and destroy them. In the past few years, I’ve learned so much about how to tweak thm as someone walking out of type 2 diabetes,( family history got me here.) I’ve also been learning much about the many benefits of bioidentical hormones, and how important protein & lifting heavy are for us to combat the loss of muscle mass that happens as we age that can be so destructive to our health if we aren’t intentional in building it versus losing it. I’d love to help you find food freedom, and abundant health! I am available for 1 on 1 coaching and I sell my thm friendly fertility plan pdfs , videos.
Let me know how I can best serve you!