THM Certified Coach (1800)

Name Esther Smith
Business "Renewed & Encouraged" Esther Smith Coaching
Address Imlay City, MI
United States (US)
Phone 8103008202
Email [email protected]
Esther Smith
"Renewed & Encouraged" Esther Smith Coaching
Imlay City, MI
United States (US)
[email protected]


Are you Ready? Let's GO!!! "Trim Healthy Mama Lifer" here, that is ready to help YOU achieve your goals for renewed health, revitalized living, and "healthy" weight loss... YOU can plan on being encouraged every step of the way.

I have been following the Trim Healthy Plan since December 2013 and have been a THM Admin for the "official" Facebook Groups for over 6 years and was then added to the remote staff at Trim Healthy Mama in July of 2015 as a Content Team Assistant for the most incredible "Trim Healthy Membership" website, which I happen to call a "THM Treasure Chest".

I would love to come along side you and share the tools, encouragement & support necessary for you to achieve your health & fitness goals with the Trim Healthy Mama plan, as I always say "THM Meal, Snack and Beverage" at a time will get you closer to finding renewed health, vibrant & vital energy and a refreshed outlook for YOUR life!! I have extensive experience with the Trim Healthy Mama Plan. My areas of specialty are stubborn or slow weight loss, hormonal and other health related weight loss issues that many women experience. I also have experience with special dietary restrictions that involve food allergies. Please do not give up hope..

We will have creative classes together in an online group setting where I will share meals, menu planning, food & ingredient info, proper fuel identification, meal spacing, book review of the Trim Healthy Mama books and much inspiration and encouragement!! I have special events and ideas planned for my clients that gain access to my Private Coaching Group!!!! You can also look forward to a personalized "Welcome Package" to arrive from me to YOU prior to your first coaching appointment!!

Be ready to experience some outstanding "Non-Scale and Scale Victories"....while we embark on this journey of "Food Freedom" together where you will begin to feel renewed energy and a revitalized love for life again!!!

I offer many affordable and competitive packages for you to choose from and we can work together to find one or two that will meet your specific needs. We can chat via e-mail, phone, text. I am available to speak to women's groups and other in home group settings, by appointment only, must book 30 days in advance.

Send an email to [email protected] to get started today!!
