THM Certified Coach (3570)

Name Erin Odom
Business The Humbled Homemaker
Address Mooresville, NC
United States (US)
Email [email protected]
Erin Odom
The Humbled Homemaker
Mooresville, NC
United States (US)
[email protected]


Hi I'm Coach Erin!

I once was where you may find yourself now.

After having 3 babies in 4 years, I packed on the pounds to a weight I never imagined possible. Suffering through gestational diabetes during my pregnancies, and postpartum adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism, the weight wouldn’t budge.

Before conceiving my fourth child, I discovered Trim Healthy Mama. I quickly fell in love with this low-glycemic way of eating. This plan made sense! I didn’t feel deprived, and I could even eat sweets without compromising my blood sugar. I lost 25 pounds before conceiving baby #4.

Sadly, the stress of having a newborn with some medical issues, parenting three other children, and running my business consumed me during my son’s first two years of life. Instead of sticking with the healthful, Trim Healthy Mama way of eating, I succumbed to binging on “light” popcorn and “organic” cheese puffs–or downing whatever snack I could get my hands on after going hours and hours without eating.

I could feel my blood sugar fluctuating via mood swings, shakiness, and fatigue, and there was even one time when I nearly dropped my newborn son when my blood sugar became dangerously low.

By the time my son was 22 months old, in December 2018, I knew something had to change. I got on the scale that month for the first time since he was born, and my heart sunk when I realized I had gained 30 pounds in the nearly two years after his birth!

I took pictures of myself in a mirror, and I nearly broke into tears when I saw my reflection. I already knew I was high risk for type 2 diabetes because of a strong family history, past case of gestational diabetes, and my age. When I saw my belly fat, I thought: “I look like diabetes or heart disease waiting to happen!” This terrified me.

I knew what I needed to do: I could choose to a healthy, low-glycemic way of eating now, or I would be forced to eat this way later because of disease. I chose the former and haven’t looked back.

I lost 30 pounds in 2019, and I’m committed to eating the Trim Healthy Mama way–for life.

My eating habits are better than they’ve ever been, and I have the tools I need to make wise foods choices both now and in the future.

On top of losing weight, I’ve experienced many NSVs–-Non-Scale Victories--because of Trim Healthy Mama. I’ve seen my energy levels increase, my anxiety diminish, and my cholesterol and blood sugar levels stabilize.

And, yes, I’ve gone down several sizes and can fit into my slimmer jeans!

I’m now passionate about helping other women lose weight, re-gain their health, and watch their confidence soar–without feeling overwhelmed or deprived.

As a certified Trim Healthy Mama coach, I’m happy to offer a variety of group coaching experiences to meet my clients’ needs. While my coaching is never a replacement for the advice of your trusted medical professional, I draw from a variety of personal experiences and strengths, including:

Diabetes: My younger sister was diagnosed with type 1 when I in 2nd grade, so I grew up well-versed with this disease. My father has type 2 diabetes, and I had gestational diabetes during several pregnancies. I am convinced that Trim Healthy Mama is the perfect diet for those high-risk for developing or with a family history of diabetes.

Thyroid Disease: I was diagnosed with postpartum thyroiditis in 2011, and I’ve had hypothyroid disease ever since. I am passionate about helping other women with thyroid disease see that they do not have to succumb to excessive weight gain because of this disease.

Adrenal Fatigue: I’ve also struggled through adrenal fatigue (and Epstein Barr). I believe Trim Healthy Mama is one facet that helped heal me from the debilitating fatigue I experienced for many years.

Gluten-Free: I have been gluten-free since 2011. At the time, my daughter's pediatrician felt she needed to be on a gluten-free diet. Fast forward 11 years, and our entire family has now been gluten-free for more than a decade! I am very comfortable eating the THM way gluten-free and love to guide newbies on how to transition to a gluten-free diet as well. Not all of my clients are gluten-free, but many are. I also was dairy free while breastfeeding some of my children and now consider myself dairy "light," choosing to eat mostly Greek yogurt as my dairy of choice.

Stubborn Losers: Trim Healthy Mama calls those of us who lose at a slower rate than 1/2 pound per week “stubborn losers.” That does not mean that we can’t or won’t lose weight, but it means we may have to troubleshoot a bit more to discover why we aren’t losing as quickly as some. Because of thyroid disease and other life stressors, I’ve consider myself a stubborn loser, and I’m excited to help other “stubborn losers” see that they can make slow and steady progress to meet their weight loss goals.

Large Families: As a mother of four, I know that it takes a lot of juggling to carve out time to take care of yourself when you have many children to mother. There are tips & tricks I’ve discovered along the way that I can’t wait to share with you!

Homeschooling Mamas: I homeschool part of our children, and I know that there are unique challenges with homeschooling and taking care of yourself at the same time. It’s so important that we do so! Let me help you!

Here is what you can expect from Trim Healthy Mama coaching with me:

Learn: I’ll teach you, so you can learn the Trim Healthy Mama plan without becoming overwhelmed.
Brainstorm: I’ll help you brainstorm shopping + meal planning ideas with your specific preferences in mind, so you never run out of food to fuel your body.
Track: I’ll give you tools to track your progress, so you will have a tangible picture of the huge strides you will be making.
Troubleshoot: I’ll help you troubleshoot challenge areas and help you discover any obstacles that may be keeping you back.
Encourage: I’ll offer encouragement and accountability, so you aren’t tempted to give up right before you see success (and you will see success!!).

I currently offer 3 different group coaching experiences:

Trim Healthy Mama Basics: I offer this 6-week group three times per year. This is for beginning to intermediate THMamas. I've had ladies who are brand new to the plan and ladies who have been on plan for 7+ years go through my course and come out finding success they had trouble finding on their own.

Trim Healthy Mama Builders: This is for advanced Trim Healthy Mamas. I offer this 4-week group three times per year. These ladies know the plan, live the plan, but they may find themselves stuff--or just desire a deeper dive to help making this lifestyle attainable for the long haul.

Seasonal Menu Reboot Groups: I offer these 3-week groups three times per year--Spring Into Sugar-Free in March, Summer Slimdown in July, and Fall Into Health in October. Each group comes with a full 3-week menu, shopping list, recipe bundle, and so much more! The menus are designed with stubborn losers in mind. Each menu is fresh with new ideas and recipes to try.

I occasionally offer free 1-hour workshops, and I plan on offering some paid workshops in the future as well.

Please email me at [email protected] for more information.