THM Certified Coach (1147)

Name Amber Burnett
Business Coach Amber Burnett, LLC
Address Norfolk,
United States (US)
Email [email protected]
Amber Burnett
Coach Amber Burnett, LLC
United States (US)
[email protected]


Gluten Free/Dairy Free/Plant Based
Need Accountability? ✅ Need Menu help? ✅ Need to replace slippery habits? ✅ just need someone to walk alongside you? ✅
I have small group coaching that you can purchase in 4 week increments at extremely affordable prices. I want to help as many people as I can without price being a hinderance.
I also have a free Facebook and Instagram page for inspiration in your Trim Healthy journey.
A little about my journey:
I found Trim Healthy back in early 2013 when the OG tome was out in its first publishing. It was shortly after I had given birth for the second time; my newborn daughter was in the hospital for heart surgery, I was going through a divorce from an abusive man, and I also had an 8 year old daughter. Trim Healthy gave me a way to have some modicum of control in my life during a time when I felt like life was chaos, and I had great success.
Then, on 2/14/14, my second daughter passed away from congestive heart failure. In my grief, I began a cycle of not eating at all to binge eating because my hunger would eventually break through the wall of grief. I sunk deep into functional depression and was barely holding it together for the daughter I still had. In 2015, I got married, gained 4 bonus kids, and moved across the country. I dabbled in and out of Trim Healthy through the waves of depression. The winter season always saw my determination slip.
Fast forward to Fall of 2022, I was going on a family vacation to the beach. I can dress anything cute but I was not pleased with how far I had slid down the “give yourself grace” slide. I had been having severe migraines and all-over inflammation, my allergies were out of control (because I ate things I had tested allergic to with an allergist), and I was pre-diabetic and had developed asthma.
I threw myself back into Trim Healthy. I had a goal of being able to run around with my son who was born in 2020. I wanted to be living the healthiest life possible to set a good example and to just feel better. I knew what to do, but I needed some accountability to get me started so I joined a group for the holidays. It was the kick in the pants I needed and the weight started coming off. I got pregnant again in February 2023 and stayed on plan through my pregnancy. I still gained more than the doctors wanted but, after I delivered in late October, I have already lost all the baby weight and more as I continue on my Trim Healthy Journey.
I have gotten rid of my inflammation, my allergies are under control, I haven’t had to use my inhaler in over a year, and my migraines are much less frequent now. More than the weightloss, I have more energy and just FEEL better and more me. As my physical health improves, I am putting in the work to improve my mental and spiritual health as well. It feels like my inner self is becoming my outer self.

#coachAmberBurnett #journeytofit #trimhealthymama #thmcoach #sugarfree #weightloss #health #dairyfree #nursingmom #glutenfree #eggfree #allergens #drivethrusue #keepitsimple