THM Certified Coach (2600)

Name Krista Ayers
Business Krista Ayers (Doughy Girl)
Address Nashville, TN
United States (US)
Email [email protected]
Krista Ayers
Krista Ayers (Doughy Girl)
Nashville, TN
United States (US)
[email protected]


Welcome to Trim Healthy! My name is Krista, aka Doughy Girl.

I have been doing Trim Healthy Mama for 9 years and have been a THM Facebook Admin for 9 years. I am 55 years old, postmenopausal, and have been married to the Love of My Life for 35 years. We have been blessed with 5 children and 3 grandchildren. Apart from Trim Healthy and Coaching, I am a degreed Photographer and Graphic Designer, living just outside of Nashville, TN.

So why the name Doughy Girl? I'm glad you asked! I like to have fun and poke at myself a bit while giving a nod to my long journey of losing 185 lbs and regaining my health. To that end, I created "Doughy Girl, A Former Doughy Girl speaks on Life, Health, and Style. I am a former weight loss surgery patient who came to Trim Healthy Mama feeling unhealthy and starting to see my weight creep back up after having previously losing 150 lbs.

I think no matter what I weigh, I will always feel a little "doughy", and that's okay. I'm 55 years old and I've given birth to 5 babies...I'm not going to look magazine cover-ready. My focus for my personal journey is healthy first and then trim. Nurturing the inside of your body shows on the outside of your body. This is not a sprint, but a graceful journey to being a better person...mind, body, and soul.

Should you feel that I might be an added resource to your Trim Healthy Success, feel free to send me an email, and let's see if I can help.

Find Me on My Facebook Page:
Doughy Girl on Facebook

Find Me in My THM Doughy Girl Group:
THM Inspiration & More with Doughy Girl

Find Me on Instagram:
Doughy Girl on Instagram

Depending on where you have access...

You can read about me in the THM Begginer's Group:
Doughy Girl on THM Beginners

You can read about me in the THM Main Group:
Doughy Girl on THM Main

...or you can read about me on the THM Fan Page:
Doughy Girl on Trim Healthy Mama