THM Certified Coach (8830)

Name Heather Sauret
Business The Well Planned Plate with Coach Heather
Address Disputanta, VA
United States (US)
Phone 805-550-7836
Email [email protected]
Heather Sauret
The Well Planned Plate with Coach Heather
Disputanta, VA
United States (US)
[email protected]


Coach Heather is a 46 year old wife, homeschooling momma (year #8) to 3 boys, a step mom to one son, step grandma to a grandson, and a granddaughter on the in way late October.

She has walked through many seasons from dieting, to bulimia, pregnancies, to overweight and inactive. She has struggled with perfectionism, setting healthy boundaries, self esteem, and more. Throughout her journey, she has developed a passion for wellness and educating others. Over the years, she has created a variety of recipes and she has helped many women with healthier ways of eating. She enjoys gardening, cooking, the mountains, outdoor activities, and family time. Coach Heather loves recipe creation and creating well balanced plates full of color. Her

Although, she dabbled with Trim Healthy Mama recipes for years; she did not become committed to the plan until April 2021. Since that time, she has lost 60 pounds. She loves walking almost daily and she has found energy she didn’t know she had. Her husband just recently joined her on the plan back in July and he is having success as well. She also loves helping her mom make healthier choices to help decrease her blood sugars.

Walking through some perimenopause challenges these last several years has really fueled her passion for helping other women in their midlife season. She wants to help other women show up to be the best version of themselves, amidst mid life issues like hormones. Walking alongside other women on their life journeys, brings her great joy.