THM Certified Coach (9330)

Name Molly Miller
Business Molly Miller Wellness Trim Healthy Mama Health Coaching
Address Spanish Fork, UT
United States (US)
Phone 801-427-2307
Email [email protected]
Molly Miller
Molly Miller Wellness Trim Healthy Mama Health Coaching
Spanish Fork, UT
United States (US)
[email protected]


Hi Mamas!!! I am SOOO excited to be here !! I have been doing THM for almost 6 years now & coaching for 2 years. I absolutely LOVE the food freedom & energy it gives me. Along with being certified as an official THM Lifestyle coach, I have an IIN health coaching certification. I have received education about what different types of foods can do for your body and about all of the different eating lifestyles out there! From my education and my personal experience, I KNOW THM is the best lifestyle out there!! There is no deprivation, counting calories, points, or macros & no leaving out food groups. It is just a good, wholesome, YUMMY way to eat. You truly CAN have your cake and eat it too! I have lost 40 + lbs with THM and am a Lifer! I enjoy helping others on their THM journeys. I run several THM FB pages where we help and encourage each other & have fun doing free challenges together. Support & accountability are crucial to being successful. I want to help you with your own THM journey, whatever that looks like. I have had to learn to conquer emotional eating, figure out how to fuel myself properly & quickly with 5 kids in tow, how to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and how to jump back on after having a few off seasons. While I know THM can help everyone, I also know that it looks a bit different for everyone & I would love to help you figure out what works best for you. I offer personalized coaching & group coaching online and locally. In our groups we not only offer accountability and help understanding the plan better but we also tackle the emotional aspects of eating and really work on changing our mindset around food which is the key to keeping the weight off. I also offer my Meal Planning Made Simple meal planning course for those who struggle with meal planning. I know that is an issue for a lot of busy mamas and my approach is to make it as simple & effective as possible. I can't WAIT to help you on your own personal journey!!! Let's DO THIS!!